Reckless Serenade

New York’s rising pop-punk outfit, Reckless Serenade, are looking to keep the genre alive and relevant while breaking the boundaries of what pop-punk is capable of producing. Their newest release, Chasing Lights, is an album full of anthems from start to finish and never has a dull moment. This is good, aggressive, edgy pop-punk music for the pop-punk fan looking for something fresh and exciting. Some of my favorite tracks include “Sunrise,” “Our Year,” and “Cage Rage.”

They’re also a band that is on a sure path for success. They’re in the process of releasing a music video for their single “Missile,” which is an absolute killer track of this album. They’ve had a few radio interview/performances and are currently working with the man who designed T-shirts for Fall Out Boy, A Day to Remember and The Wonder Years. 

I feel like all of these pop-punk bands that reach out to me are better than some of the pop-punk acts that are already well-known. Their passion is completely visible through their music and to see a band with the opportunities that Reckless Serenade have, it really pleases me to see them on the rise. 

To get involved with that Reckless Serenade are doing, check out their Facebook and bandcamp here.

Luke Helker

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