One High Five

One High Five is one hell of a good time, fun-loving band.

Lots of times in the music industry, we see a band come around that has what we like to call, “the whole package.” That means that not only does a band have good songs, but they also present themselves in way that is unique to the sound and style of the band and makes them stand out above the crowd.  One High Five remind me of the Aquabats with songs that are more intelligent. Nothing against the Aquabats, but they have goofy songs like “The Shark Fighter”, “Food Fight on the Moon” and “Pink Pants.” One High Five also have that never-ending party image that has become slightly synonymous with some of the ska/punk bands like Less Than Jake or Reel Big Fish. I wouldn’t classify this band a ska band at all, even though they do include some horn features, but they do come across as a band that would be having just as much fun onstage as the fans are having watching them.

The only complaint I have is that they’re based all the way out in California and I can’t see them play live. I can only imagine how much fun it would be though. If you’re looking for the perfect soundtrack to your summer of fun, look no further than One High Five. You can check out their facebook page and I’ve even included one of their music videos to help give you a better idea of what these guys do.

Luke Helker

One Response to “One High Five”

  1. Thanks, hope we could have hella good time some day.

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